
Extended abstracts for the 14th Conference of the IMACSSS should be sent by e-mail to from January 15 to March 15, 2025.

Abstracts must be written in English – either the American English or British English. Each author may participate in a maximum of three submissions, which must be original and unpublished contributions on any aspect related to martial arts and combat sports under an academic or professional view. The presenting author must be registered and have paid the conference fee.

Submitted abstract must follow the template below. The total length of the extended abstract should be up to 1200 words, considering the sections listed in the template. Authors may modify the titles of the sections to suit their work, but must always respect the style of the template. Abstracts must follow APA 7th edition style for bibliographic references, both in the main text and in the final list. Authors are fully responsible for the style, language, and content of their abstract.

Each abstract will be assessed anonymously by two members of the Scientific Committee of the conference. This assessment will consider both the formal aspects (format, structure, correctness of bibliographical references, etc.) and the content of the abstract (originality of the study, relevance, clarity, coherence, methodology, results, etc.). Once the evaluation has been carried out, the reviewers will suggest acceptance, acceptance after minor revision, revision of the manuscript for a new evaluation, or rejection of the submission. In the event of major discrepancies between the two reviewers, a third reviewer will act as a referee. After this first assessment, authors will be given a new deadline to review their abstracts. The deadline for notification of abstracts acceptance is 15 April, 2025.

Accepted abstracts will be published on-line in open access (Creative Commons CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 DEED license) in the proceedings book of the conference, edited by Publications Service of the Universidad de León.

IMACSSS Young Researchers Awards

Aim & description

The IMACSSS is an organization devoted to promote and expand the scientific knowledge and culture of martial arts and combat sports (MA&CS). In pursuing this objective, the IMACSSS Young Researchers Awards (YRA) were established at the 1st Conference of the IMACSSS (Genoa, 2012) as a way to facilitate the integration of young researchers into the MA&CS scientific community and the recognition of high-quality researches.

  • MA&CS researchers under 35 years old.
  • Master or PhD students, or awarded with PhD not earlier than 5 years before the conference takes place. Candidates must provide evidence of this condition.
  • Not awarded in previous IMACSSS conferences.
  • Only one application for the IMACSSS YRA per author is accepted. The applicant must be the first author of his/her proposal and also present it at the conference.
  • To successfully apply for the YRA all requirements must be met within the requested deadline.
  • Applicants for IMACSSS YRA will follow the same instructions and procedures than other researchers taking part in the conference.
  • During the submission of the abstracts the first author should apply for this award.
  • The IMACSSS Board will designate, in coordination with the conference Organizing Committee, three members for the evaluation of the applicants.
  • The evaluation of the applicants will be based on the quality of the abstract submitted to the conference and the quality of the presentation done at the conference venue, both rating 50% of the total score.
  • There will be, at least, one award per conference. If poster communications are presented, there will be, at least, one award for oral communication and one award for poster communication.
  • Awarded researches will be announced in the closing ceremony of the conference.
  • The winning young researchers will be awarded a diploma.
  • Whenever possible, the IMACSSS Board and the conference Organizing Committee will grant winning authors with other kind of awards.
